

Hello and happy Tuesday everyone! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Let's play, learn and have fun together! ῍̩̞(∗ɞ⌄ɞ∗)◞

Today we learned to identify colors and enjoyed playing matching game.
Can you find the correct half of the heart? ✌(‘ω’)✌

Helping their friend to find the correct match.
You can do it! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

After our morning lesson, time to go out and enjoy the good weather!
Having fun playing under the sun. (๑^ں^๑)

Sitting on the tail of this black cat while making a cute pose (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)

I got two yellow flowers (୨୧ ❛ᴗ❛)✧

Look at my hands, small diamond? ( ́⋅⃘ˬ̇⋅⃘ ̀ˋ)

Happy having a little rest ₍•͈ᴗ•͈₎

Where are my friends? Playing hide and seek? (・ัᗜ・ั)و

That's a dandelion (๑*౪*๑)

Showing my happy face 〈( ^.^)ノ

Let's jump together! (ง •ૅ౪•᷄)ว

Our yummy lunch for today! ヾ(・ω・。)シ

That's all for today!
Thank you and have a nice day!