

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Let's sing, dance, play and learn together!

We have a cloudy weather today.

Can you reach your toes? 

Let's play color sorting
Pick one colored object 

You can do it! 

Yellow flower is for the color Yellow column 

I did it, red cherries for color Red column 

Yellow duck should be on color Yellow column 

After our lesson, time for art craft.
Excited to make our own Koinobori (鯉のぼり). Koinobori means 'carp-streamer kite', and the carp was chosen as the symbol of the Children's Day because they consider it the most spirited fish, full of energy and power to fight its way up rapidly-flowing streams. Families fly 'koinobori' to express the hope that their children will grow up healthy and strong.

Putting some scales on my carp 

Having so much fun making this Koinobori  

Styling the scales of the carp 

Seriously making my koinobori beautiful 

Amazed how beautiful my artwork 

More scales for this blue carp 

Enjoying our art craft 

After our art craft we went to the park for a little walk.

Our yummy lunch for today! 

That's all for today.
Thank you and have a nice day.