

Happy Monday everyone! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

It's a little gloomy outside. Before the rain falls down we went outside and had fun playing in the park.
Playing guessing game with my friend. (^-^*)/

I got a red flower! ✌(‘ω’✌)

Having fun running with friends. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑

Gotcha! Enjoying a little game with my friend. (>̯-̮<̯)

Will hide behind this chair. ₍•͈ᴗ•͈₎

Running away from my friends! (・ัᗜ・ั)و

Catch me if you can! ( ´•౪•`)

Let's crawl. ٩(^ᴗ^)۶

Crawling like a baby. ٩(●ᴗ●)۶

1...2...3... Jump! ٩(◦`꒳´◦)۶

What's on the the other side?! ( •́ ⍨ •̀)

Trying to jump, I can do this! (๑•̆૩•̆)

Having a little rest with my friend. (‘∀’●)♡

First to touch the circle?! 

Hiding behind the this tree. 

Crawling with my friends. 

I'm a little monster! (ᗒᗊᗕ)

Having fun crawling with friends. 【°∀°】

Crawl and follow. (人´∀`)

Our lunch for today!( ᐛ )و

That's all for today!
Thank you and have a nice day!