
15日 Panda and Rabbit Team ~ Birthday Celebration

Happy Monday everyone!

After our morning circle, we had a short birthday celebration for our dear friends. Then, after the birthday celebration we went to the park and we had fun playing with our friends.

Our birthday celebrants!

A short interview to our celebrants 

Let's sing a 'Happy birthday' song... 

Time to make a wish and blow your (plastic)candles  

Close your eyes and make a wish! 

Blow your (plastic)candle and make a wish. 

A little present to our celebrants...

Thank you for your warm greetings! 

My card says I am already 2 years old... 

More presents from our dear friends... 

Happiest birthday to our dear friend! 

Our birthday celebrants happy with their presents... 

A short story for everyone! 

Chicka chicka boom boom! 

What happened to the alphabet? 

Our yummy lunch for today! 

That's all for today!
Thank you and have a nice day!
See you tomorrow!